We now offer IPL facials and laser hair-removal with Kelly Anderson.
Beautiful, healthy skin is possible! Kelly Anderson wants you to obtain your goals painlessly and with proven results, using her modern Nu Body Laser treatments. Kelly can provide the following treatments:
Painless Hair Removal
Folliculitis (Ingrown hairs)
Age Spot Reduction
Collagen Remodelling
Reduction of Fine Lines
Dull Skin Treatment
Pigmentation Correction
Epidermal Melasma (sun damage spots)
Rosacea Treatment
Broken Capillaries (fine facial veins)
Acne Scars
Kelly is a long-term Whistler local who is discrete, professional, and down-to-earth. She is able to gently guide you to better skin health. Her passion is bringing the best results to her clients and friends.
Unsure of your needs? Contact Kelly directly prior to booking, to discuss your goals and she will provide expert guidance for you to obtain the look you desire.