Cervical Ripening Acupuncture
Treatments & Conditions
encourage beneficial hormonal responses for labour preparation
encourage the baby to move into an optimal position.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches cervical ripening with a holistic perspective focusing on balancing the body's energies and preparing it for labour. Cervical ripening in TCM involves using various techniques to promote the cervix's softening, thinning, and dilation in preparation for childbirth. A combination of gentle acupuncture, massage, and/or cupping is used and is tailored to your needs. Women find this to be very relaxing and enjoyable.
It can begin safely at 35-36 weeks (approx four weeks before the expected due date) and is used to encourage beneficial hormonal responses for labour preparation and encourage the baby to move into an optimal position.
All of our registered acupuncturists offer this service.